Pimp my Kind­le – Tipps & Tricks zum Ama­zon Kind­le 3

Flat­ter­satz er­mög­li­chen

Ge­he zum Home-Bild­schirm, schlie­ße den Kind­le an den PC an, öff­ne die Da­tei


(ggf. Lauf­werks­buch­sta­ben an­pas­sen) und hän­ge


ans En­de. Ach­te dar­auf, ei­nen Edi­tor zu be­nut­zen, der das UNIX-For­mat der Da­tei er­kennt und bei­be­hält. Spei­che­re die Da­tei und tren­ne den Kind­le vom PC. Wäh­le dann un­ver­züg­lich Me­nü > Set­tings > Me­nü > Re­start, um den Kind­le neu zu star­ten. Da­nach ist im Schrift­art­me­nü ei­ne neue Op­ti­on ver­füg­bar (Ju­sti­fi­ca­ti­on: Left / Full).

De­faults der Firm­ware-Schal­ter / Ver­si­on 3.x


Tools & Uti­li­ties

Kind­le 2 PDF Op­ti­mi­zer
Ama­zon Kind­le Key­board Short­cuts

Ca­lib­re email to Kind­le fail


I think I fi­gu­red it out! This is what work­ed for me (using Ca­lib­re and gmail):

In Ca­lib­re go to »Pre­fe­ren­ces« > »Sha­ring books by email«:

In the »Send email from box:« make su­re your en­ti­re gmail ad­dress is ap­pearing

In the Mail Ser­ver sec­tion, fill in the fol­lo­wing:

Hostname: smtp.gmail.com Port: 465
Username: (place your entire gmail address here)
Password: (place your gmail's password here)
Encryption: (pick SSL)

(In­te­re­st­ingly, the­se op­ti­ons we­re blank when I went in to do the abo­ve. Not su­re why they we­re blank as I know I fil­led them in a few ye­ars ago. So so­mehow, they got »blan­ked out« re­cent­ly.)

Se­cond­ly, you WILL have to set your gmail ac­count set­tings to »Al­low ac­cess for less se­cu­re apps«. See this link: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255 read if you want (I wan­ted to which is why I ad­ded this link first) and the you will find a link to ac­cess your ac­count set­tings the­re. Or if you don’t ca­re about the first link, you can go di­rect­ly to the ap­pli­ca­ble ac­count set­ting he­re: https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps (make su­re »Turn on« is sel­ec­ted).

That’s it! You can now use your gmail again if you ch­an­ged the abo­ve set­tings in Ca­lib­re and the one set­ting in your gmail ac­count. Fin­gers and toes crossed for an­yo­ne in this si­tua­ti­on. It work­ed for me and it work­ed for my fa­ther who al­so sud­den­ly be­ca­me af­f­lic­ted wi­th this er­ror. And he li­ves hundreds of mi­les from me.

Kind­le 3 / Kind­le Key­board am Ama­zon-Kon­to an­mel­den


I have ma­na­ged to sol­ve this pro­blem for my wife’s 4th ge­ne­ra­ti­on Kind­le!

In short, you need to re­gi­ster a Two-Step Ve­ri­fi­ca­ti­on (2SV) Au­then­ti­ca­tor App wi­th the ac­count, and then »add« (ap­pend) the au­then­ti­ca­ti­on code to your pass­word when re­gi­stering.

This is be­cau­se the ol­der Kind­les are con­side­red le­ga­cy de­vices and do not di­rect­ly sup­port 2SV, de­spi­te see­mingly be­ing re­qui­red in or­der to re­gi­ster. Ho­we­ver, as a work­around, the au­then­ti­ca­ti­on pro­cess does sup­port ap­pen­ding the code to your pass­word. The fol­lo­wing are de­tail­ed ins­truc­tions.

  1. Si­gn in to your ac­count on Amazon.com.
  2. Na­vi­ga­te to Your Ac­count > Log­in & se­cu­ri­ty > Two-Step Ve­ri­fi­ca­ti­on (2SV) Set­tings > Edit, and press »Get Star­ted«
  3. Sel­ect »Au­then­ti­ca­tor App« and fol­low the ins­truc­tions pro­vi­ded.
  4. You should now have ac­cess to a pe­ri­odic au­then­ti­ca­ti­on code. You’ll need to add this code to the end of your pass­word be­fo­re it re­sets. I re­com­mend pre-po­pu­la­ting the re­gi­stra­ti­on form wi­th your e‑mail ad­dress and pass­word, wai­ting for the cur­rent au­then­ti­ca­ti­on code to re­set, then im­me­dia­te­ly ad­ding the next au­then­ti­ca­ti­on code to the end of your pass­word and sub­mit­ting be­fo­re the next re­set.

Hop­eful­ly the­se ins­truc­tions help an­yo­ne el­se who stumbles across this fo­rum.

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