Flattersatz ermöglichen
Gehe zum Home-Bildschirm, schließe den Kindle an den PC an, öffne die Datei
(ggf. Laufwerksbuchstaben anpassen) und hänge
ans Ende. Achte darauf, einen Editor zu benutzen, der das UNIX-Format der Datei erkennt und beibehält. Speichere die Datei und trenne den Kindle vom PC. Wähle dann unverzüglich Menü > Settings > Menü > Restart, um den Kindle neu zu starten. Danach ist im Schriftartmenü eine neue Option verfügbar (Justification: Left / Full).
Defaults der Firmware-Schalter / Version 3.x
Tools & Utilities
Kindle 2 PDF Optimizer
Amazon Kindle Keyboard Shortcuts
Calibre email to Kindle fail
I think I figured it out! This is what worked for me (using Calibre and gmail):
In Calibre go to »Preferences« > »Sharing books by email«:
In the »Send email from box:« make sure your entire gmail address is appearing
In the Mail Server section, fill in the following:
Hostname: smtp.gmail.com Port: 465
Username: (place your entire gmail address here)
Password: (place your gmail's password here)
Encryption: (pick SSL)
(Interestingly, these options were blank when I went in to do the above. Not sure why they were blank as I know I filled them in a few years ago. So somehow, they got »blanked out« recently.)
Secondly, you WILL have to set your gmail account settings to »Allow access for less secure apps«. See this link: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255 read if you want (I wanted to which is why I added this link first) and the you will find a link to access your account settings there. Or if you don’t care about the first link, you can go directly to the applicable account setting here: https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps (make sure »Turn on« is selected).
That’s it! You can now use your gmail again if you changed the above settings in Calibre and the one setting in your gmail account. Fingers and toes crossed for anyone in this situation. It worked for me and it worked for my father who also suddenly became afflicted with this error. And he lives hundreds of miles from me.
Kindle 3 / Kindle Keyboard am Amazon-Konto anmelden
I have managed to solve this problem for my wife’s 4th generation Kindle!
In short, you need to register a Two-Step Verification (2SV) Authenticator App with the account, and then »add« (append) the authentication code to your password when registering.
This is because the older Kindles are considered legacy devices and do not directly support 2SV, despite seemingly being required in order to register. However, as a workaround, the authentication process does support appending the code to your password. The following are detailed instructions.
- Sign in to your account on Amazon.com.
- Navigate to Your Account > Login & security > Two-Step Verification (2SV) Settings > Edit, and press »Get Started«
- Select »Authenticator App« and follow the instructions provided.
- You should now have access to a periodic authentication code. You’ll need to add this code to the end of your password before it resets. I recommend pre-populating the registration form with your e‑mail address and password, waiting for the current authentication code to reset, then immediately adding the next authentication code to the end of your password and submitting before the next reset.
Hopefully these instructions help anyone else who stumbles across this forum.
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